Three Key Planning Points that Determine the Success of Your LINE Official Account

LINE official accounts incur fees based on the number of messages broadcasted. Broadcasting messages without a plan will not generate results. Increasing cost effectiveness requires planning. This article explores three key planning points: Broadcasting, features, and attracting customers. 1. Coming up with a broadcast plan When coming up with a broadcast plan for LINE official […]

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【LINE】Acquiring friends using LINE Official Account

With more than 84 million monthly users in Japan*1, LINE boasts an overwhelming reach, and with more than 3 million corporate accounts*2, it has become an integral part of every company’s social media strategy. On the other hand, there are many accounts that are struggling to attract customers. This article introduces some measures that can […]

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【LINE】 Do You Know The Importance of Push Notifications with Official LINE Accounts?

Overview With over 84 million monthly users in Japan*1, LINE boasts an overwhelming reach and has become an integral part of a company’s social networking strategy. In this post, We will explain how to use “Push Notifications,” a feature important yet challenging, effectively. *1: Based on “LINE Business Guide July-December 2020” 1. Review of User […]

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