In this post, we will introduce some of the benefits of linking Google Analytics 360 and Search Ads 360 from operational management and ad distribution perspective.
1. Name Change in July 2018
Formerly one of the DoubleClick products, DoubleClick Search was integrated into the Google Marketing Platform brand in July 2018 and changed its name to Search Ads 360.
2. What is the Search Ads 360 platform?
Search Ads 360 is a platform that centralizes the management of display ads, search ads, and social ads to achieve higher efficiency in reaching consumers. It solves the common challenges which many marketing-focused companies face, such as:
- Want to manage ads and analyze effectiveness using the same metrics / Want to manage performance and campaigns across multiple search channels and devices, eliminating duplicate users.
- Want automatic alerts of problems to resolve them faster.
- Want to automatically optimize bidding management tanking into account the signals of user behavior on the website*
* Possible by linking with Google Analytics 360.
Here are the four main points regarding the main features of Search Ads 360.
▼Automatic bidding
With algorithmic theory incorporated into the automatic bidding function for search and display ads, Search Ads 360 has enabled bidding management and optimization with managed target budget allocations. In addition, the bidding unit price can be changed according to user attributes and CRM customer categories to acquire users with higher LTV.
Automatically assigns indirect contributions from various channels such as search ads, display, and natural search, and manages and optimizes bidding for search ads based on them.
▼Campaign management
No need to manage ads and keywords per search channel, and it facilitates analysis of ad and keyword placement results across channels.
In addition to automated actions based on rules such as changing creatives and status for each day of the week, it can configure sending only alert emails.
▼Inventory linkage
Automatic integration with Google Marchant Center allows linked inventory management and shopping campaign management using existing data feeds.
▼Data linkage
Integrated management of online, offline, analytic, and mobile data for visualizing the effectiveness.
Can automatically create a user list based on the keywords that showed the search ads that they clicked and share that list to your Google Ads account.
3. Benefits of Linking to Google Analytics 360
As we have explained above, Search Ads 360 has plenty of features alone. But you can further take advantage of the features and benefits of Search Ads 360 by linking it with Google Analytics 360. We will explain the benefits of working with Google Analytics 360 from the analysis, operation management, and ad distribution aspects.
▼Analysis / Operation management
- Can check Floodlight conversions and Google Analytics 360 metrics at the keyword level, such as return rates and page views, on the Search Ads 360 management screen.properties are selected.
- Can tie search campaign data to Google Analytics 360 without setting utm parameters.
- Can visualize search campaigns/ads/keywords driving the most conversions and engagement.
- Structure strategies to optimize landing pages based on metrics such as direct return rate.
(e.g.) Set a rule for automatic actions on Search Ads 360, such as “Replace the landing page if the direct return rate is higher than 20% in the last 7 days.”
▼Ad distribution
- Achieves bidding management and optimization, taking into account signals such as return rates and spent time by setting Google Analytics 360 conversions as a goal for Search Ads 360’s automated bidding strategy.
- Can appeal to segments created on Google Analytics 360 with remarketing*
* Requires linking Google Ads account and Search Ads 360.
4. Summary
—Benefits of Search Ads 360 alone
- Can manage and optimize bidding across multiple search channels.
- Enables campaign management across multiple search channels and devices, achieving seamless analysis and action.
—Benefits of Linking to Google Analytics 360
- Efficiently maximize cost-effectiveness by utilizing Google Analytics 360 metrics for ad distribution.
- Achieves analysis linking search ad distribution data and user behavior data on the website by utilizing Google Analytics 360 indicators.
*Google and the Google logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
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