Display & Video 360 (hereinafter, “DV 360”) is part of the Google Marketing Platform, renamed in 2018 from DoubleClick Bid Manager, and is an integrated service that provides comprehensive creative, data, and media integration for campaign execution. The service can be quite complicated and can be used in various ways.
This article focuses on the highly flexibile creatives of DV 360 and introduces two points that’ll give you a comprehensive understanding.
1. What is Display & Video 360?
Display & Video 360 is a DSP (Demand Side Platform)*1 provided by Google as one of its marketing platforms. Commonly referred to as DV 360, this tool allows users to perform everything from campaign planning to creative design management, audience data utilization, ad space search and purchase, and campaign measurement optimization.
For an overview of DV 360, refer to our previous article, “It’s Never Too Late! All You Need to Know About Google’s DSP, Display & Video 360.” In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the ad spaces that DV 360 supports.
*1: A DSP is a platform that places ads on multiple ad exchanges and ad networks.
2. Creatives on Display & Video 360
1) Feature 1: Rich creatives tailored to your purpose
As of November 2020, DV 360 supports 17 types of rich creatives and can serve ads in formats such as 3D, Parallax, and audio. In addition, rich creatives are easy to create and can generate higher performance than Google Ads’ display ads. Creatives from awareness to acquisition are available depending on the KPI, allowing users to choose a creative that suits their purpose.
*Click the link for examples of creative formats available on DV 360.

2) Feature 2: Creating data-linked creatives
Aside from rich creatives, DV 360 supports dynamic creatives by combining signals. For example, audience lists and regional information can be leveraged to deliver creatives tailored to users living in specific regions. By utilizing weather and temperature information, creatives linked to the weather can be delivered in real time. Using signals that match the product makes it possible to increase user awareness and interest in the product or service.
—The effects of weather-linked creatives
Weather-linked creatives that utilize weather signals are effective for food, beverage, consumer electronics, and fashion products, which are in high demand during the hot summer and cold winter months.
We have used weather-linked creatives to encourage customers to visit actual stores in the past. In one case, we used a still image creative that did not use weather signals, and in the other case, we used a weather-linked creative that involved regional and weather information signals. The weather-linked creative received approximately 16 times more clicks than the still-image creative. We believe that several reasons led to this result. These include real-time information attracting the users’ interest and people changing their attitude and going out to buy something after seeing the weather information. Based on the above, data-linked creatives that use signals have the effect of increasing ad performance.

—How weather-linked ad delivery works
To distribute weather-linked creatives, weather data must first be imported into Google Studio3 from Open Weather Map.2 The weather data is then sent to Google Studio once an hour. Then, weather-linked creatives that match the delivery conditions are generated, and the Campaign Manager 3604 converts it into ad-tags.4 The purpose of the ad-tagging is to distribute the weather-linked creatives to different areas. Finally, the weather-linked ads are delivered according to the targets
configured on the DV 360 side.

*2 Open Weather Map is an online service that provides various weather data as a Web API.
*3 Google Studio is a tool that allows flexible creative creation and management of creative assets.
*4 Ad tags are tags for delivering ads. Ads are served by sending a request to the ad server and having the ad server respond to the request.
3. Summary
DV 360 offers a wide range of creative formats that can be used for different purposes to deliver better performance than regular display ads. Using Google Studio and Campaign Manager also allows users to easily create and deliver rich and impactful data-driven creatives.
For more information about Display & Video 360,
Contact us, a GMP Certified Partner, to discuss how we can work together.

Irep Inc. is an award-winning global digital marketing agency based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our headquarters are in Tokyo and our network spans more than 20 countries. In Japan, we are ranked No. 1 for performance-based marketing. We also offer highly specialized market entry, as well as integrated marketing and localization services. Since 1997, our data-driven solutions have effectively led our diverse international clientele to continuous success in Japan, Asia, and beyond.
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