Search Ads 360 Tips ⑤ Setting up a Data Driven Attribution Model

In the fourth part, we introduced the Data Driven Attribution Model (DDA model) as an evaluation model and the benefits of using it in Search Ads 360. In this part, we will explain how to set up the DDA model in Search Ads 360 and its management screen. We will also introduce examples of actual […]

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Search Ads 360 Tips ④ The benefits of using data driven attribution models

The third chapter covered inventory-linked campaigns on Search Ads 360 geared towards the retail industry. In this issue, we’ll introduce how to use the data-driven attribution (DDA) model of Search Ads 360. This enables appropriate evaluation and distribution of the contribution across media for search ads that have been reached prior to conversion, improving results […]

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Search Ads 360 Tips ③ Inventory-linked campaigns

The second chapter covered the unique formula column function of Search Ads 360 and how Floodlight tags work. In the third chapter, we’ll be discussing inventory-linked campaigns, a feature of Search Ads 360 for the retail industry, with several case studies. Using inventory-linked campaigns makes it possible to automatically generate the delivery structure necessary to […]

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Three Benefits of Integrating GA4 and SA360

Regarding the new Google Analytics GA4 property, this article will cover the benefits of linking it to Search Ads 360 and how to do that. 1. What is SA360? SA360, short for Search Ads 360, is one of the products of the Google Marketing Platform. It is a search advertising tool allowing you to manage […]

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Search Ads 360 Tips ② State of the art bidding optimization using first-party data

Overview The first chapter covered the automated bidding tools of Search Ads 360 and their features as well as their use cases.The second issue will introduce Search Ads 360’s unique Floodlight conversion tag and the unique formula column feature enabled by the Floodlight tag. Using the formula column feature allows users to improve the efficiency […]

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Search Ads 360 Tips ① Automated Bidding

Overview In this series, we will introduce Search Ads 360 (SA360), one of Google’s marketing platforms, from overview, functions, features, and case studies. In this chapter, we will focus on the automated bidding features of SA360 and utilization. 1. “Search Ads 360” as an automated bidding tool Have you heard of an automated bidding tool? […]

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Benefits of Linking Google Analytics 360 and Search Ads 360

Overview In this post, we will introduce some of the benefits of linking Google Analytics 360 and Search Ads 360 from operational management and ad distribution perspective. 1. Name Change in July 2018 Formerly one of the DoubleClick products, DoubleClick Search was integrated into the Google Marketing Platform brand in July 2018 and changed its […]

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