How to Create an Landing Page that Maximizes Advertising Results

Irep Inc.

What is an effective Landing Page (LP)? No results if you don’t create an LP accounting targeting in ad distribution? IREP’s Programmatic ads creative professionals will explain the important concepts and frameworks in creating advertising LP to maximize sales.

*This post is an excerpt of information regarding acquisition-based advertising LP that was presented at our webinar “How to Create an LP that Maximizes Advertising Results” held on February 24, 2022. This is a must-read for ad creative persons who are struggling to grow LP results.

Have you ever had the experience of “LP not achieving desired results”?

We often get Q’s like, “My landing page (LP) is not giving results as expected”. When we analyze the LP, we often see the following mistakes.

– Common LP mistakes
  • Everything is packed in the LP
  • LP is not designed based on the customer flow from the inflow to conversion
  • Lmitated the competitor’s LP but showed no results
  • Tools implemented do not improve results

So, what is a good LP or an LP that sells? We from IREP, a digital marketing agency, will introduce our way of LP optimization (LPO) that maximizes ad results.

What is the purpose of the LP?

– Purpose of LP

The purpose of LP is to encourage users who have come from an ad to take actions (conversions), such as making a purchase, requesting brochures, or making an inquiry. And to get people to take actions, we need to tailor our offerings to each user who comes. To achieve this, we need to understand the users and make appropriate communications with them.

– What to think about for LPO

It is crucial for LPO to consider “what actions a user took before arriving to the LP = ad distribution design”. User insights vary greatly depending on “which ads they came from”. For example, the attitude toward viewing search ads and display ads is very different. If it is a search ad, we can imagine that the user already has some motivation for the product. If it is a display ad, the ad may be displayed by chance while surfing the web. Therefore, understanding what how users came to the LP and examining the content of the LP based on it is a step toward improving results, and is a crucial concept in LPO.

(Figure 1: What to think about for LPO)

How to create LP that achieve results in ad operations and procedures

To get an idea of how to create LP, let’s imagine a “sales talk” given by a salesperson in an offline store. He/she gives a “sales talk” with a story to make customers understand and buy the product. This is the same with the LP. It is important to structure them according to the story to deepen customers’ understanding of the product.

How can we do this? To persuade inflow users, we need to research and analyze personas, insights, and the characteristics of our products to deepen our understanding. These may be familiar for you, but here are some specific points to keep in mind when creating an LP.

  • Persona: How does the user see the distributed media and click the ad?
  • Insight: How does the user’s emotion move from the LP inflow, ends reading the LP, and make a CV?
  • Characteristics of the product: What are the appealing points that attracts inflow users in purchasing the product on the Web?

There are several sales talk frameworks for LP. It may be helpful to use those frameworks to create the LP depending on the persona and the characteristics of the product. Let us introduce two frameworks that can be used as examples.

– Examples of LP framework

The first framework is PASONA. This framework is suitable for products related to user concerns and inferiority complexes, such as beauty and health products. It draws user’s empathy by raising the problem and increasing agitation of the problem, and then encourage action by providing reasons why the user should choose the product among the various solutions.The second framework is BEAF. This is suitable for LP for products that are highly recognized by the name of the company or the product or are searched for by the name of the service. Since the users already know about the product, the first step is to present the benefits and their evidence for the purchase.

(Figure 2: LP framework – PASONA)

The second framework is BEAF. This is suitable for LP for products that are highly recognized by the name of the company or the product or are searched for by the name of the service. Since the users already know about the product, the first step is to present the benefits and their evidence for the purchase.

(Figure 3: LP framework – BEAF)

For improving LP efficiently

We have focused on the role of LP and how to create them, but it is important to keep making improvements to increase results in LPO.

For improvements, you should run PDCA cycles through LP A/B testing and visualizing user behavior using heat-map tools. An efficient way to improve results is to “multiply accumulated TIPS with the right combination of tools”.

(Figure 4: Efficient LPO)

Further results can be expected if you combine LP improvements with improvements in the quality and quantity of inflow through ad operation PDCA cycle. In fact, one of our LP improvement results showed 2.8-fold increase in CVR in 2 months as a result of 2 to 3 weeks of testing using heat map analysis.


This post was partially excerpted from the “How to Create an LP that Maximizes Advertising Results Webinar” overview and introduced two frameworks.

IREP has about 130 people working in a department specialized in programmatic advertising creatives, producing about 3,000 creatives per month. We run PDCAs, another IREP’s area of expertise, to develop and uncover winning patterns for banners, videos, and LP.

If you are interested in any of the creative production services described in this article, feel free to contact us. We also plan to hold more webinars in the future where our creative members answering to your concerns with programmatic ads.

Speakers on the webinar

Web director, IREP Co., Ltd.
Mihiro Shiomi
Joined IREP in 2019, after working as a writer, director, and consultant at an advertising agency operated in affiliate business. She is currently responsible for designing creative strategy and schedule management of production in the acquisition area in a wide range of industries, with a focus on major food and beverage manufacturers, cosmetics, and health foods. She also is an in-house instructor for LP and article LP workshops.

Web director, IREP Co., Ltd.
Kimiaki Matsuo
Joined IREP in 2012, after working as a director and producer of websites from 2004. He is currently responsible for strategy development and production direction for acquisition creatives in the programmatic ads regardless of industry or sector, He derives optimal solutions that intakes ad creative trends.

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Irep Inc. is an award-winning global digital marketing agency based in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our headquarters are in Tokyo and our network spans more than 20 countries. In Japan, we are ranked No. 1 for performance-based marketing. We also offer highly specialized market entry, as well as integrated marketing and localization services. Since 1997, our data-driven solutions have effectively led our diverse international clientele to continuous success in Japan, Asia, and beyond.

Irep Inc.
Address: 900 Concar Dr. Suite 400, San Mateo, California 9440