5 Patterns of Affiliate Ads Placement 

Media & Platforms

In the last article, we mentioned at the end that “Affiliate ads are less likely to leave an impression compared to other digital ads. This article will delve into the characteristics of major affiliate sites and discuss the impressions associated with each, considering that the method of publication varies depending on the media.

*This article was reproduced from a column on CARRAC’s official note account. Original article: https://note.com/carrac_note/n/n1f237db2d228 

Publishing pattern ① Review websites  

Review sites are platforms that focus on specific themes, organizing and publishing information, including personal experiences and unique insights. This reference website posts information on gadgets and delivers the latest information on Apple products. 

*Reference website: https://iphone-mania.jp/ 

– Review Site Characteristics 

Users who have interest in purchasing a specific product or service and are looking to gain a deep understanding of that product or service visit review websites. Therefore, in terms of the quality of advertising results, users who are more likely to continue using those products and services are expected to convert. In terms of quantity, sites with higher exposure tend to rank higher in natural searches and attract more news searches. 

(Figure 1: The higher the placement on organic searches, the more page views)

– Types of review websites

①Blog-type review websites 

These sites primarily feature experiential reviews aligned with the website operator’s perspectives.

② Product/service review websites

These sites guide users in selecting products or services by offering experiential reviews, often comparing services based on the website operator’s perspectives.

(Figure 2)

While both focus on experiential reviews, their thematic genres differ.

For blog-type review websites, the website operator collects information and experiences on products and services and analyzes them using their own point of view. Blog-type review sites often revolve around themes like travel, food, and apparel

On the other hand, product/service review websites are located somewhat in between review websites and comparison websites. On the other hand, product/service review sites lie between review and comparison sites, offering insights not only on quantitative comparisons but also on the impressions and perspectives of the website operator. An example includes shaving and waxing services, featuring price comparisons alongside testimonials on the treatment’s pain level. A typical example is shaving and waxing services, which includes comparisons of prices and the number of stores, as well as testimonials such as the degree of pain caused by the treatment.  

Publishing pattern ② Comparison websites 

Comparison sites present content comparing similar products or services based on quantitative information, organizing them to facilitate user understanding and decision-making.

– Types of comparison websites 

①Product/service comparison websites

These sites typically offer objective specifications of products and services, with minimal subjective influence from the website operator.

②Product/service DB websites 

These websites have database of products and services and provide information based on users’ searches within the site. 

(Figure 3)

*Supplementary remarks: As efforts are made by companies to improve products and services, the specifications of the listed products and services may become similar to those of other products. In addition to affiliates, it may be necessary to launch multifaceted awareness activities, such as TV commercials, to make the product or service easily recalled by users. 

Publishing pattern ③ Point websites 

Point websites, also known as monitor sites in Japanese, aggregate advertising content that offers incentives to users. These incentives are a portion of the commission received by affiliate marketers from advertisers.

(Figure 4: How point websites work)

– Point Site Characteristics 

Point websites effectively attract users by highlighting the benefits of taking action, making them highly effective for maximizing user numbers. However, a concern arises from users solely motivated by incentives, which can lead to acquiring low-quality users with shallow understanding of the product or service advertised.

The point to watch for is to not look at point websites as areas that acquire lower quality users. Instead, keep in mind that there are users who use point websites incorrectly, in other words incorrectly operate ads, that cause the decline in user quality. 

*Point website reference: https://hapitas.jp/register , Monitor website reference: https://www.fancrew.jp

Publishing pattern ④ Social Media Utilization Affiliate Marketers

In this case, the affiliate marketer themselves become the media and appeal the products/services to their followers on social media. Personal blogs are also categorized as social media but social media utilization affiliate marketers not only use text-based work, but also use sound as well as videos, and even themselves as methods of expression. 

– Characteristics of Social Media Utilization Affiliate Marketers  

There is a trend among users to bypass comparison sites and instead purchase products recommended by trusted influencers on social media. Utilizing affiliate marketers on social media can be a more effective way to reach users who do not use search engines. 

Publishing pattern ⑤ General Websites

General websites doesn’t have specific editing policies, and the quality of content varies widely. Think of them as a collection of personal blogs where people share their daily lives.

In most cases, ads are published with the purpose of casting a wide net over as many websites as possible. Although the number of users that can be acquired on a single site is not large, it can be done at a relatively low cost-per-page. This contributes to reducing the overall CPA (cost per acquisition of new customers) of the promotion. 


Affiliate ads are more ubiquitous than we realize in our daily lives. Since they are found across the web, it’s crucial to strategically place them in appropriate locations to maximize their effectiveness.

Stay tuned for more straightforward explanations about affiliate advertising from an agency perspective in future articles.

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